Respuesta :


Socializing is one of the most important

Parts of our life. Social Media attains a

Lot of attention of the people around

Us. It prevents communication gaps.

Through social media we know about the

World as it is important to be updated.

In today’s world even children to elders

Are on social media. We can be in touch

With our family and friends. Socializing

Is a boon as we come to know the

Happenings around the world. At times

It also provides you knowledge with the

Help of educational pages and websites.

Socializing also tells us about the

Working of our government. If there is an

Emergency, we can be notified quickly.

Any unauthorized access to any of the

Accounts can prove to be dangerous. My

Opinion is that social media is a boon.

Socializing is one of the most important

Parts of our life. Social Media attains a

Lot of attention of the people around

Us. It prevents communication gaps.

Through social media we know about the

World as it is important to be updated.

In today’s world even children to elders

Are on social media. We can be in touch

With our family and friends. Socializing

Is a boon as we come to know the

Happenings around the world. At times

It also provides you knowledge with the

Help of educational pages and websites.

Socializing also tells us about the

Working of our government. If there is an

Emergency, we can be notified quickly.

Any unauthorized access to any of the

Accounts can prove to be dangerous.

My opinion is that social media is a

boon.Kalika, Class VI, Ryan Global

School, Andheri