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I just edited it, tell me what you think
"What next, cruel world?" I cried out in pain and agony as I packed my belongings to leave my college dorm. My heart was burning. My dad had lost his job, I got expelled from college because I couldn’t pay the bills-my whole life was crumbling right before my eyes. What else could possibly go wrong? I packed the only picture I had of my mom holding me, the dearest possession to my heart. I couldn’t forget my teddy bear, which kept me company through the longest nights, or the books that I spent hours saving up for.
The fact that my father had lost his job was only one reason I should h.ate him. He wasn’t so good at raising me. My mom left me and Dad after a terrible battle with the flu, and it still hurts to see her gravestone. I was mostly alone. My old man is an alcoh.olic- all he ever thinks about is, whis.key and girls. I was just one of the thousand leaves on the tree for him, maybe even just a single rice grain in a rice field. I could or disappear and he wouldn't even notice. I remember whenever he would come home, dr.unk as could be, and start thre.atening to ch.oke or sho.ot me. My name was like a cu.rse word to him. When he was dr.unk, he hated me, his own son. Abusing me was one of his daily occurrences.
And now I couldn't pay my college bills, so they kicked me out. Sure, there were loans and scholarships, but I wasn’t very well educated, I would go sell stuff in the parking lot after school since my father wouldn’t pay for my supplies or clothes. I was lucky that he provided me with shelter. A loan isn’t an option either-who knows what will happen in the future.? There’s always the army, but Dad prohibited it. He had h.ated anything that dealt with Congress or the military. I dared my life… or used to.
This got me thinking that I should commit su.icide and all my ashes and troubles would disappear. There is a reason for existence, but not mine. I am a lost cause. Sure, my old man would be happy if I wasn’t around. I want him to suffer like I did though, so su.icide isn't the answer.
I could burn the house down... Wait, why was I thinking like this? What had possessed my mind to even talk like that? I had to stop thinking like that or I'd be lost and follow the dark path.
If I were to trip in the halls, I would ble.ed. But if I tripped in life, I would become broken. Maybe I could work in a warehouse, no need for the luxury life.
On my way home I was taking the light rail. Before anything... I was so lost in thought that the train came towards me at lightning speed. My body froze once I saw flashing lights.
My body felt cold...
So this is what terror feels like...