In at least three body paragraphs remember to include:
a subheading for each section of the body
transition phrases at the beginning of each paragraph
a topic sentence for each body paragraph
support for your topic sentence with evidence from your research, using signal phrases
five or more complete sentences in each paragraph
at least one graphic in your article
at least one link to a resource that supports your thesis
technical language to show your understanding of the topic
Use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and write in formal style using the third person point of view.
Add your introduction to the body.

In your first body paragraph, you will discuss the cause/background of your invention.
In your second and third body paragraphs, you will discuss two specific effects (negative or positive, or both) of the invention you are researching.

What i have so far:
Topic: Solar Power

Cause - info on invention (who, when, why, etc.): In 1883 Charles Fritz created the 1st working selenium solar cell. He created it in hopes to create a reliable energy source that does not harm the environment.

Positive Effect 1 with supporting details: That there is clean energy, clean meaning that it does not harm the environment and its a reliable source of energy.

Positive Effect 2 with supporting details: Solar power provides a sustainable energy without harming the environment with toxic pollution and global emissions.

Negative Effect 1 with supporting details: It would be very expensive to have your own solar power that you can use.

Negative Effect 2 with supporting details: If you start a solar power farm it would take a lot of time to get back the money you invested into starting a solar power farm.

Source A:

Source B:

Source C:

Source D: › solar › pdfs › solar_timeline.pdf

Respuesta :



Positive Effect

  • It has helped to make communication easier
  • It has helped to make communication faster
  • It has helped make the world a global village

Negative Effect

  • There is an increase in the usage of electricity to charge them
  • It costs money to recharge and use

Read more about inventions here: