A symbol that symbolizes me the most is a pawn, I play alot of chess and it has changed how I view things and even how I sleep as I won't stop dreaming about chess, because of this mostly everything I do consists of chess, I watch chess videos, I read chest openings, I play chess, I dream chess. Im pretty glad Im motivated and care about chess otherwise I would get bored quickly.
Something that symbolizes me Mc, I play tons of Mc and it was a huge part of my childhood. Back then all players were scared of the creepypasta Herobrine who would go into worlds and dig sand pyramids or dig tunnels. Before I bought Mc I played the demo version on my console and I would remember struggling to complete the tutorial and being stuck at spawn. Nowadays I play Mc on my phone or console and I have become a pretty good builder and I troll people on my phone using Toolbox.
Something that symbolizes me is a X in Tic tac toe, I remember learning a two move force win that I crushed everyone with, I learned so many traps and beat many people, I would draw mosts games and lose none.
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