Respuesta :
I was forbidden to wear tight clothes because the church saw it as a sin. The church leaders could call a meeting to punish me; I could not wear pants, short skirts, shorts, or makeup because all that is classified as "sin." The Christian religion is hardly permissive and very strict. Being the daughter of a pastor was very strenuous, and if I could choose my reincarnation, I would not like to be one again.
This part of my life was very oppressive and unenjoyable. My father stopped being a pastor; only my mother remains as one. They no longer try to regulate my clothing or my actions, although my mother still tells me to pray when we talk on the phone. I do not pray because I always fall asleep in half a sentence.
I have communication problems with my parents because I wanted to express my feelings when I was angry or sad but could not. When I vented my frustrations to my father, he did not allow it because he viewed it as being rude and disrespectful. Being a pastor was not easy for them; there were consequences for them as parents and me as a daughter. When I share my story, I hope it humbles people as they may have experienced more freedom. From beginning to end, pastors and their children suffer in exchange for the church's control.
Despite these qualms I have with the church's system, I become angry with people who think badly of pastors or their children. Many misconceptions surround these people and there is a world that you may not know when it comes to their lifestyle. Despite the modern world straying further and further from religion, it is distinctly important to learn about those who are still in it- or those who used to- because it can serve as a poignant reflection of ways of life.
you can fix this text by adding more periods. your professor said that you have "run-on" sentences. these are sentences that are TOO LONG. so, make sure you make the sentences shorter.