Respuesta :

To turn a number (either an integer or a decimal) into a percent, simply multiply by 100. That is the same as moving the decimal point two places to the right. You may need to round to the desired precision. Add a percent (%) sign.

  • What is percentage? :A percentage is a way of expressing one number as a portion or share of a whole number, and percentages are always based on their relation to 100, which represents the whole number or object.
  • For example, 75% is the same as 75 out of 100. Any percentage lower than 100 is just part of the whole or total.
  • Definition of a number : A number is an arithmetic value used for representing the quantity and used in making calculations.
  • What is Maths? : MATH stands for "Mathematics" in its entire form. Mathematics is a branch of science that studies the logic of form, quantity, and arrangement.

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