The numbers that can divide 648 evenly, using the divisibility tests, include 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 18 and some multiples of any two numbers.
A divisibility test is performed to identify whether a number can be divided evenly by a fixed divisor without a remainder and without actually performing the division process.
Divisibility by 1: Every number is divisible by 1 = 648 (648/1).
Divisibility by 2: 648 is an even number and divisible by 2 = 324.
Divisibility by 3: Sum the digits (18). 18 is divisible by 3 = 6 (18/3).
Divisibility by 4: The last two digits (4 and 8) form a number (12) that is divisible by 4
Divisibility by 6: It is divisible by 2 and by 3
Divisibility by 8: If the hundreds digit is even, the number formed by the last two digits must be divisible by 8.
Divisibility by 9: Sum the digits (18). 18 is divisible by 9
Divisibility by 12: 648 is divisible by 3 and by 4.
Divisibility by 18: 648 is divisible by 2 and by 9.
Learn more about the divisibility tests at