a) The step function seen in the figure has 6 pieces, one for each step
b) There are 6 intervals, one for each piece. Their values are:
(0, 1]
(1, 2]
(2, 3]
(3, 4]
(4, 5]
(5, 6]
c) The open circles indicate that the endpoint is not included in the interval. The closed circles indicate the endpoint is included in the interval.
For example, in the second interval, 1 is not included (open circle) and 2 is included (closed circle).
d) This is a function because for eac value of x there iss one and only one of y. If the open circles were closed circles, then thi wouldnot be a function.
e) All the pieces are linear because their graph is a line (flat horizontal line)
f) The range of the function is the set of output values:
Range = {46, 48, 50, 32, 54, 56}