1._____________is a method in the Senate to delay action on a bill by utilizing long winded speeches to control the floor.
a. A cloture
b. A filibuster
c. An adjournment
d. A veto
2.Which of the following does not have to happen for a bill to become a law?
a. Both houses of the United States Congress must approve it.
b. The bill must be sent to the President.
c. The Supreme Court of the United States must rule it constitutional.
d. All of the above must occur
3.Which is a way that Congress can check the power of the President?
a. Refusing to declare war against a nation whom the president wants to declare war against.
b. Refuse to accept the nomination of an individual the president wants to be on the Supreme Court
c. Decide to conduct a special investigation of something that the president has done
d. The United States Congress can check the power of the President in all of the above ways
4.If the United States Congress has the primary responsibility for making the laws of the nation, why is it dependent upon the President of the United States for making these laws?
a. The president must propose specific legislation before the United States Congress can actually make a law, in most cases.
b. The President must sign legislation that Congress has passed to make it a law, in most cases.
c. Both of the above statements are true.
d. Neither of the above statements is true.
5.Which of the following are examples of how the United States Congress cannot check the power of the United States Supreme Court?
a. Congress can alter the size of the Supreme Court.
b. Congress can determine the structure of the judicial system.
c. Congress can eliminate the Supreme Court.
d. All of the above
6.In which of the following ways does the United States Senate influence the composition of the court?
a. It approves, or rejects, nominations to the Court made by the President.
b. It appoints its own representatives to the Court.
c. Both of the above statements are true.
d. Neither of the above statements is true.

7.In 1773, before the Boston Tea Party, which of the following statements would best describe the views of most American colonists?
a. Most colonists were loyalists who considered themselves Englishmen.
b. Most colonists were Tories who wanted the British to leave.
c. Most colonists considered themselves free Americans with little loyalty to England.

8.Political parties were not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Why not?
a. The framers of the Constitution assumed that parties would develop and opposed any restrictions on their formation.
b. The framers of the Constitution did not anticipate that parties would form.
c. Political parties were called factions in those days and are described in great detail in both Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution.

9."All persons born or naturalized in the United States…are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside." This excerpt from the Constitution of the United States:
a. defines who is a citizen.
b. describes the naturalization process.
c. has led to a less diverse society.