According to a psychologist named Bruce Tuckman, there are 5 stages that every team must go through. These are called the 5 Stages of Team Development:
Stage 1: Forming - in this stage team member are polite in getting to know each other. They ask each other about their expectations, working habits and other important details with regards to working in a team.
Stage 2: Storming - in this stage, conflict arises among members due to the differences of their working styles. Some groups may complain about their workload, or the work of co-workers. This is the most crucial stage of team development.
Step 3: Norming - team members finally gets their synchronization. They manage to work all their differences and strategize on the distribution of tasks based on the aptitude of each member.
Step 4: Performing - this stage is the realization of the team's goal.
Step 5: Adjourning - this is when a team has reached its purpose and part ways
Therefore, Joseph's team is still in Stage 2, or the Storming stage.