A basketball player’s free throw percentage is 70%. She has just been awarded 3 free throws after getting fouled on a 3-point shot. Which table shows the correct probability distribution for the possible numbers of free throws made?

A basketball players free throw percentage is 70 She has just been awarded 3 free throws after getting fouled on a 3point shot Which table shows the correct pro class=

Respuesta :

P(3 Free Throws) = P(One Free Throw & One Free Throw & One Free Throw) 

P(3 Free Throws) = P(One Free Throw) x P(One Free Throw) x P(One Free Throw) 

P(3 Free Throws) = (7/10) x (7/10) x (7/10) 

P(3 Free Throws) = (7x7x7)/(10x10x10) 

P(3 Free Throws) = 343/1000 

P(3 Free Throws) = 0.343 

The probability is 0.343 to make all 3 free throws. 




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