Respuesta :

Part 1. Institutionalized discrimination refers to the unjust and discriminatory mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions as a whole, through unequal selection or bias, intentional or unintentional; as opposed to individuals making a conscious choice to discriminate.
Part 2. 
Institutional discrimination is characterized by the mistreatment of one specific individualor group. This can drastically impact a minority group for it can have a negative outcome,it leads to acts of dominance, lack of security and potential conflicts.


Institutional discrimination:

It is an unfair and indirect method of treatment. These are adjoint with the operating procedure and policies, the law of an organization and the objectives of the organizations. Unusually the biased target specific stereotyped people and generalized attribution such as race, gender. ethnicity, group, etc. This includes law and decisions that reflect the racial. It usually exists in government and can occur in any social institution that includes marriage, religion, and gender, etc.  

For example, residential segregation is an example of discrimination.