Hello there,
Warm Front= Resembled with a line and red semicircles on one side of the line. Means that the warmer air mass is replacing the less warmer air mass.
Cold Front= Resembled with a line and blue triangles on one side of the line. Means that the colder air mass is replacing the less colder air mass.
Occluded Front= Resembled with a line and purple shapes going in the pattern triangle to semicircle on one side of the line. Means that to colder air masses push the less colder air mass upwards.
Stationary Front= Resmbled with a line with blue triangles on one side and red semicircles on the opposite side. Means that a warmer air mass and a colder air mass meet at a standstill.
Hope this helps!! {Not plagaraized, I just learned this last month :) }