Respuesta :
proton, neutron, electron, photon, down quark, neutrino, up quark, positron, strange quark, alpha particle, charm quark, pion, J/psi meson.
Subatomic particles are the structures of matter that are smaller than the atom, and that are part of it and determine its properties. These particles can be of two types: compound and elementary, that is, divisible (composed of other subatomic particles) and indivisible respectively.
The atom is made up of three stable particles: electron, proton and neutron and these particles are in turn composed of others, still smaller. So, currently the existence of the following subatomic particles is known, in addition to the three previously mentioned:
- Boson
- Positron
- Fermion
- Neutrino
- Hadron
- Lepton
- Quark
- Meson
Due to their low stability and size, these particles are very difficult to study and discover.