One of Atlanta’s pioneer marketing companies, Insight Marketing brought class and elegance to Park Tavern for a lovely night of great Jazz music mixed with great people and great drinks. The beautiful event was the perfect example of a classy chic experience at it’s best. The event was a great success mainly do to the wonderful sponsors that came out. Royal Cigars, Gold Peak Tea, GMCVB & ABFF.
Royal Cigars had a special cigar smoking section designated for the had made cigars that were made at request. Gold Peak Tea had a display that showcased their signature tea. I’d have to say the Green Tea was my favorite of the night. When you actually walked into the seating area you immediately experience a nice low dimmed intimate experience where the couple were able to enjoy each other and get their dance on .
The Miami Express Yourself is currently on a five city tour, if you missed out on the Atlanta edition clear the link below to find one closest to you.
Enjoy the pictures of the evenings event: MiamiExpressYouselfTour
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