Michael Vick’s much anticipated redemption reality show “The Michael Vick Project” premiered on BET last night. In the show Vick blames his troubles on everything and everyone else around him. But was he really the victim ? Although I didn’t get to watch the show I was told that it might just be worth watching… The Show was created by my homie James Dubose… Here the first episode…
I thought the show was great It reallly showed me how sincere he is ansd how people can get rapped up in their fame keep pushing to be a better person and things will fall into place. stay blessed.bett
I thought the show was great it showed how sincere he was I could really see how people can get rapped up in their fame. keep pushing for the best and everthing will fall into place. stay blessed.
I didn’t watch the show.
I thought the show was real and answered alot of question people wanted to know because in the begining all you heard was the media and there negative thoughts, and it gave Micheal a chance to tell the real story! I pray that he moves on with his life along with his wife and kids and continue to be the roll model that GOD has made him!