The Predators Movie Trailer has premiered. Predators is directed by Nimrod Antal and stars Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Laurence Fishburne, Danny Trejo, and Derek Mears. Predators plot synopsis: “The film follows a mercenary named Royce (Adrien Brody) who is abducted by alien creatures known as the Predators. He is released onto an alien planet—which acts as a game reserve—along with seven other humans, who with the exception of a disgraced physician, are all cold-blooded killers consisting of mercenaries and convicts..
Royce reluctantly leads the group of elite warriors as they come to realize they have been brought together to this planet as prey for a new breed of Predatorâ€. I think I may have liked the Predators‘ preview more as my imagination filled in the plot blanks. I am not really impressed by the characters that populate this film. They feel to similar to the group assembled in Aliens 4 or The Condemned though this film’s screen play pre-dates those films by some years. The game preserve planet or game planet sounds like sh*t to me. Sh*t. We’ll have to wait and see. Predators opens July 7, 2010.
I’m glad they made another predator these are real beings!
Adrian Brody is so sexy in PREDATOR because of the way he takes authority